Commercial Security Systems and Services
At Precision Locksmith Service, we provide all the hardware and services to efficiently manage your security system. We install and repair hardware, design, implement and maintain masterkey systems, and install and maintain access control systems. Our technicians have the knowledge and experience to recommend and install the proper systems to secure your facility.

Imagine not having to carry that ring full of keys just to open the doors you frequently access. Masterkeying provides great convenience by allowing locks to be accessed by their own key as well as a master key. The master key can access all areas of your facility while individual keys only let them into specific areas. We can even design a system to facilitate not only a top master key and individual keys but also integrate sub master keys that access specific departments or divisions of your facility. For instance, one lock could be opened by the top master, floor master, tenant master, department master, supervisor master, as well as the individual key. Masterkeying is a great convenience but due to the physical characteristics of the way locks work it can also decrease the pick resistance of the lock. Also if not done properly, masterkeying can inadvertently cause keys to work that are not designed to operate a specific lock. Therefore masterkeying should be closely monitored and controlled.
Access Control Systems
Access control is the ability to control access other than the use of standard keys. Access control can be through cards, pushbutton entry, or even bio-metrics. Through the use of access control systems you can control access by date, time, or personal parameters. You can program you system so that a particular person can only open a door on Mondays between 7:30 am and 8:00 am if you have the need. You can program access on a one time basis only. You can also track who tried to gain entry and who did gain entry and at what times. You can integrate CCTV systems and alarms so that when someone enters the building it turns off the alarm and turns on the CCTV system. If you have a remote site you can still have access control through the use of battery powered stand alone units that don’t need special wiring to install.
Card access control systems come in a variety of types including standard swipe or proximity cards. Swipe systems can use special cards that you swipe through a reader like an ATM machine and can include pictures and/or employee information. Access can be with just the card or in addition to using an appropriate PIN to further increase security. Proximity systems utilize technology that allows the door to unlock as you approach without even having to get the card out of your purse or wallet.
Bio-metrics is access control through the use of scanning the retina in your eye or your fingerprints and comparing them to the database to identify and allow or deny access depending on programming.
Key Control Systems
With standard locks and keys there are no reliable methods of absolutely verifying who has access to your system. Anyone who possesses a key can go down to the corner hardware store and have duplicates made and you have no idea how many keys will actually work your locks. Fortunately lock manufacturers have created systems that have patented restricted access to additional keyblanks so there is some control of how many keys will operate your system. With these systems additional keys have to be obtained by authorized personnel only by means of written authorization, presenting a security card, signature verification, or any combination of all these measures.
who possesses a key can go down to the corner hardware store and have duplicates made and you have no idea how many keys will actually work your locks. Fortunately lock manufacturers have created systems that have patented restricted access to additional keyblanks so there is some control of how many keys will operate your system. With these systems additional keys have to be obtained by authorized personnel only by means of written authorization, presenting a security card, signature verification, or any combination of all these measures.
Having patent protected locks and keys is only the start of a properly applied key control system. The other part is a system of recording the locks, keys, and users of the system. In a properly documented system all locks and keys are assigned an identification number and everyone who has a key is assigned that key. With a system in place such as this you are able to see who has what keys and where they can go with those keys. Used with a properly designed masterkey system and restricted key system you are able to see exactly how many keys with work your locks.
We have a number of locking systems that we use to implement key control. Our primary lock that we recommend is Medeco High Security Locks. In our opinion Medeco is the best solution to the key control problem. Medeco is a quality lock that integrates the security of pick, drill, and pry resistance with a patented key system. This system is compatible with every major lock system in the form of replacement cylinders.